Why Network Marketing Is The Business of the 21st Century

If you are new to business, and in particular network marketing then “welcome”. You are at the right place. We strongly believe that building a network marketing business is one of the smartest things you can do with your time and money in today’s economy.
In order for you to be really successful in network marketing, it is important to understand why you should even bother. The truth is that it takes time, effort and energy to build a business. Most people are quite comfortable with where they are, so why bother?
Below are the top 20 reasons why starting a network marketing business right now is one of the smartest things you can do, but first we must understand that we are now living in a new age. “The Information Age”.
For the last 2000 years of human history, we lived in the “Agrarian Age”. This was a time when it was all about farming. Whoever owned the farms and the land, controlled the wealth.
In the 20th Century, we moved in to a new age called the “Industrial Age”. The first big corporate giants including Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford, with their huge steel and car companies dominated the business world. It was whoever owned the factories that controlled the wealth.
From the year 2000 onwards, with the rise of the Internet, we moved in to a new age. “The Information Age”. Today, companies like Twitter and Facebook are changing the business world. Today, it is about building and owning networks. This has levelled the playing field. There has never been a better time in history to build and own your own business. Are you set to take advantage?

20 Reasons Why Network Marketing is the
Business of the 21st Century

1. Build Your Fortune, Not Someone Else’s

Here is the big question: At your current place of work, who is making a living and who is getting rich? It is whoever owns the asset. The asset is the business. This is where the control and wealth is. By working as an “Employee,” you are spending your 8 hour day building someone else’s asset. You are earning a living, and the owner is building a fortune. You are not only making 10x less money, but also paying twice as much in tax.

2. Want To Double Your Income Each Year?

It is very difficult to be able to double your income with a job. In fact, the average pay rise is currently around 2%. This is crazy, especially since inflation is closer to 10%. However, with a business, it is a lot easier to get twice as many “customers” next year than the last, which in turn doubles your income. The smart people are now building their own businesses on the side.

3. True Financial Freedom

One of the top reasons for owning your own business is that it leads to financial freedom. Meaning, being able to earn lots of money without you needing to be there. The problem with a job is that you are “Selling time for money”. This means that you can never stop working because your income also stops. With a business, you have hundreds of customers that are generating the income. This means you can go on holiday for a month and be making more money when you come back than when you left.

4. Utilise the Internet…(or kick yourself)

Important Point: The Internet is changing the world as we know it, and you are living in the middle of it right now. In 50 years, you might look back and think, why didn’t I make the most out of it? There has never been a better time in history to start a business and especially one that involves connecting with people. You can now contact hundreds of people with a push of a button. The fact you are reading this right now proves it’s effectiveness. You will kick yourself if you do not take advantage of this.
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5. Living A Rich and Rewarding Life

One of the biggest benefits with a network marketing business is the personal development, which many people are not even aware it exists. To become successful, you have to help other people become successful. It’s very rewarding to watch other people grow and become better people. The fact that you can make £100K per year, working only 4 hours a day, which then gives you all the time and money to enjoy life is a massive bonus.

6. Are You Taking Advantage of the Population Boom?

You may not currently be aware of this but, the human race is currently expanding exponentially. Simply do a Google image search for “world population growth“ and you will see world population is going off the chart. Now, this is going to cause a lot of problems for some businesses, but is great for people businesses like network marketing.

7. What Job Security?

For over 100 years, the reason people clung to jobs was because of security. Today, with more and more people getting made redundant in a shrinking market, job security no longer exists. People are now looking for a more secure way to earn a living. What is more secure? Having one income stream with a job or an income coming from a hundred places, which you get from having a customer base? Today, jobs are now the risky option.

8. Retire Rich or Retire Poor…your choice

The government with the pension scheme made a critical error back in the 1970’s when people could suddenly “Choose” whether they pay in to a pension or not. We now have a massive problem where there isn’t enough money to pay for everyones retirements. Add to that, the fact that the state pension is a tiny £6000 per year, there are going to be thousands of people retiring on half of minimum wage needing another income.

9. Want To Work for The Next 50 Years?

People now have a clear choice. Do they graduate from university with £50,000 of debt? They can then either get a job, earn a living and retire in 50 years on the equivalent of minimum wage, or, they can build a business and have the opportunity to retire after only 3-5 years. This is the Industrial Age moving in to the Information Age at it’s most obvious. Those who realise this, will be the ones who will benefit massively financially.

10. Want To Start Life £50K in Debt?

With university fees being tripled in the UK, the average student debt is now £50,000. The younger generation are starting life with chains around their neck. The choice the younger generation now has, is going to uni and starting life in debt or starting a business where in 3 years they could become financially independent. Where do you think people are going to be going? Are you ready to help them and benefit financially?

11. Do You Use Mass Market Chemical Products?

Did you know that 95% of the food we buy and personal care products we use from the super markets and the high street stores are not very good for you? They are mass produced and in order for them to have a long “Shelf Life” are being pumped full of preservatives and parabens. Studies are now linking these to cancer. The top network marketing companies are botanically based meaning, products that are actually good for you.

12. Would You Like An Income That Builds Itself?

When you get to a certain point in a multi level marketing business and you have your team in place, your business then begins to build itself. You cannot do this with a job. This is how you can go then away on holiday and be making more money when you come back than when you left. Thats leverage!

13. Want More Recognition and Appreciation?

How would you like to work for a company where your hard work gets regular recognition and appreciation? You can now become part of a strong community of people who all want you to succeed as it directly benefits everyone. This is very rare to find in a job.

14. The 9-5 Job Is Broken!

In a 9-5 job, there is only one winner and that is the boss. The reason you only get 2% pay rises is because it comes directly out of the bosses pocket. The more money you make, the less money he makes. In a mlm business, the more money you make, the more money your business partners make. It is a true win/win. This is not only the business modal of the future, it is the business modal of right now.

15. Surround Yourself With Like Minded, Fun, Ambitious People

Are you lucky enough to be surrounded by fun, ambitious, like minded people? Most people are not. Network marketing attracts the very best people, which is very beneficial to you because you then surround yourself in a new culture that supports you and helps you become successful. Remember this: You will earn what the 5 closest people around you earn.

16. A Shrinking Job Market

With increasing population and more traditional businesses closing down due to the Internet, there are now less jobs for people to go for. This means employers can and do take full advantage of this, asking people to work longer and longer hours for the same money. This is becoming more and more common and is making people work in a fear based environment. Do you want to continue to live like this?

17. Getting Poorer with Rising Prices? – Inflation!

So, the government statistics state that inflation is around 3%…so why then are our gas, electric and phone prices going up closer to 10%? You don’t need a degree in maths to know this doesn’t add up. The truth is that if you are not getting closer to a 10% pay rise each year, then you are actually getting poorer. Inflation is a stealth tax which the masses are not educated to realise.

18. Get Free 5* Holidays and Drive A Luxury Car

The top multi level marketing companies offer their consultants great incentives for their work. These include free luxury cars, all paid for 5* holidays to paradise islands and free weekends away. Why save up for your holidays and car when your work place will pay them all for you? Does your current employer offer you this?

19. Want The Same Tax Breaks of the Rich?

Having a part time or full time home business gives you great tax incentives that are used by the rich. All of a sudden, all your transport, rent, computer, phone, office equipment, coffee shop visits, meals out, as well as many other things all become a tax deductible expense. You too can have access to tax incentives that rich people get to use.

20. What Do Donald Trump, Richard Brandson and Robert Kiyosaki Have In Common?

I am going to finish with this. Some of the biggest business people all around the world are either involved or recommend network marketing, including Donald Trump, Richard Brandson, Robert Kiyosaki, Stephen Covey, Jim Rohn and T Harv Eker and many more. Who are you going to listen to? Need I say anymore?
Thanks for reading.


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